
After the instrument of Xelmírez Palace (XIII century), Santiago de Compostela

Made by Francisco Luengo

Photo: Tony Esparís

Plucked instrument built from the solid, four strings, one of the favourites for the jongleurs.

It is the predecessor of citterns. As far as we know, it was played strumming.

Photo: Tony Esparís

To know more about it read the following publications:

"El Pórtico de la Gloria, Música, Arte y Pensamiento", 1988 published by Cuadernos de Música en Compostela,

"Los Instrumentos del Pórtico de la Gloria", 1993 published by Fundación Barrié de la Maza,

“Instruments à cordes du Moyen Age”, 1999 CERIMM, Fondation Royaumont, published by Créaphis,

“Instrumentos de Corda Medievais”, Lugo 2000 published by Deputación Provincial de Lugo


Performer: Valentín Novio

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